If you would like to visit the Panoptikum with a group, please register below. Thank you!
Please note that the registration is only confirmed after a confirmation from the Panoptikum!
Street, house number
Post code, town/city
—Please choose an option—15161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899
Requested date*
—Please choose an option—10 Uhr11 Uhr12 Uhr13 Uhr14 Uhr15 Uhr16 Uhr17 Uhr18 Uhr19 Uhr20 Uhr
Would you like an audio guide? (german/english) Please specify the desired number. The rental fee is free of charge (max. 30 devices can be reserved).
Number of audio guides
Additional information
By sending this form you agree with our privacy policy.
One person per 15 people has free admission!
For groups, we offer free rallies through the Panoptikum. You can get the required amount, free of charge from the supervisor.
Are you a tour operator? We will be happy to send you special information material by e-mail. Please send us an e-mail for this purpose:
One person per 15 people has free admission.
7,50 €
6,50 €
If you have online tickets, please go to the ticket office prior to your visit. You will receive your admission ticket. Online tickets do not include skip-the-line access. There may be waiting times before admission.
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